
A task achieved, may seem to be,
A simple, minor, job resolved.
Yet, essence of humanity,
Is seen at work -a thought evolved,
From spark to grand accomplishment,
Denied existence heretofore.
Remember this, next hour spent,
Performing some unpleasant chore.

A lazy day allowed to slip between the solid lines,
Which form our grid-locked schedules kept in little rigid squares,
Forgotten hours, left to melt, unplanned and unassigned.
A waking dream, serene and free of motive, cause or care.

The air is crisp. No buzzing bites annoy.
Beneath a breezy, clear, black, starry sky.
The crickets sing for us as we enjoy,
A feast of corn, grilled fish, and homemade pie.
The calming fire mingles warmth and light,
Between the happy laughter shared by friends.
At last, a perfect, restful summer night,
That falls upon this day the summer ends.

How often deadlines set in stone,
Are proven false and flexible.
We each have time-lines of our own.
Most plans adhere, some never will.
The earth should stall upon it's spool,
And sunshine never rise again,
If not for bending of the rules,
And hard, fast, stops let to extend.

A home is like a holiday,
That one looks toward every night,
A miniature getaway,
Of relaxation and respite.
A few short hours to recline,
Before life's pressures reconvene.
A silent fall twixt beats of time.
The truth we live out in-between.