
Upon a truck somewhere that spans a road from West to East,
A carefully collected group of artifacts is sent,
The fragments of a man's existance, numbered piece by piece,
Each one bestowed with great import, to help us not forget,
A feeling, a remembrance, or an odd envisioned scene,
Invoked by these few talismans, on which we count so much,
To take past moments, now become but something like a dream,
And bring them once again to life though objects that they touched.
I only hope someday the things I owned will be as this,
Effects both kept and cherished for the comfort which they hold,
A wooden chair, a lamp, a hanging picture, or a dish,
Which tell how good a life I lived by how much they console.

When someone pays for something, it becomes a work of art,
For those who estimate it's value in their minds and hearts.
Though it may move them, shock or soothe them, still they shall behold,
The ramblings of an amateur until the work is sold.

The dropper loves to mention names,
Of those he knows, who might impress.
His friends are fabulous and famed,
Yet his own worth, we're left to guess.
For names are just a cloak he wears,
To hide his simple, common skin.
A garment, threadbare, showing tares,
Betraying nakedness within.
Without it, he is left alone,
And must be seen for who he is,
To stand on merits of his own.
And not his great acquaintance’s.