Our little kitten snuck outside,
The basement door was left ajar.
Escaping to the dark of night,
He wandered off and journeyed far.
But soon became confused and lost,
As darkness claimed him for it's own,
His wanderlust brought bitter cost,
And fearful trauma far from home.
The world was larger than he'd thought,
From his safe, sleepy window gaze.
He bravely searched, but all for naught,
His path strayed, aimless and afraid,
Until at last his plight did end,
Fate shined its light and he was saved,
By searching owners and their friends,
And though he'd badly misbehaved,
They cheered and brought him home again,
To where he lounges, plays and feeds,
And dark strange sights don't startle him.
Perhaps a lesson all should heed,
Although there may be pretty views,
And vistas through the window glass,
Consider all there is to lose,
Like simple joys, and little cats.