
The reconciliation of a feud,
Today occurs between two friends estranged,
But, puzzling is, one party never knew,
The other harbored bitterness and blame.

It was indeed a grievance justified,
Although a silent anger, closely kept,
A poignant fury never vocalized,
A thorn the heart ignores but won’t forget.

No declaration of offence was made,
With no rebuke and no rebuttal hence.
But remonstration seldom satisfies,
Remorse is far less common than defense.

Forgiven are transgressions of my foe,
Thus ends this quarrel fought within my soul.

Sometimes it is through gossip that the truth becomes revealed,
Like pieces of a puzzle found, which solve a mystery.
Perhaps, therein exists the source of hearsay’s large appeal,
For idle words will oft preserve the paths of history.

The windows are open,
The heat of the day,
Is carried on breezes and transferred away,
As warm currents cleanse settled cobwebs and dust,
Which hold the stale imprint of long winter months.

The shadows are broken,
By gold, supple, rays.
Dark corners, forgotten, are brightly displayed,
As birdsong erupts through the wind’s gentle gusts,
Restoring the weary to temperance and trust.