
She stuck me with her sharpened pins,
And said the wounds would heal.
Then, penetrating ‘neath my skin,
The needle's pricks revealed,
Ambiguous, unclear, effects.
And yet, to speak the truth,
If pinning down will force my rest,
I’ll take this aid forsooth.

Affliction from a backache's tenderness,
Is seen as adversary day to day,
Its stabbing spasms make one cringe and wince,
Its throbbing presence thwarting work and play.
Yet with this limitation of the spine,
And it's restrictions to mobility,
Emerges too, acuteness towards time,
And wariness against frivolity.
For with each extra effort introduced,
Comes impetus to make that stretch worthwhile.
With hurt inflicted after every move,
A fair reward must justify that trial.
Thus every choice we make in pain reflects,
The value which we place on each attempt,
And often demonstrates in retrospect,
Extents to which exertions are misspent.